Implementing the findings of your employee survey
Last week, we looked at employee engagement surveys and how they can help us reconnect with our team post-quarantine.
A good leader needs to have the courage to accurately share the results of this survey with their team, and some simple steps can help you communicate the outcomes in the right way:
• To start with, make sure to thank all those who participated and who gave the process time and thought.
• Clearly lay out what the next steps are in this process.
• Present the findings to the team, making sure to acknowledge the issues to address, while creating links to the findings and the work of the team.
• And finally, engage the team in the way forward, giving all members a say and a role in the next steps.
Engaging your team in this kind of feedback is not always comfortable but if managed honestly, transparently and with commitment, teams will feel heard, respected and will ultimately be more engaged.